– Sat Nam Europe –
Kevin James is an Australian singer-songwriter who brings Devotional music to the World in a way that is free from religious dogma.
What started as singing gatherings with friends in the 90’s, slowly grew into a way of living.
Since 2010 Kevin James started to travel the world continuously and sharing his music in the form of “Chanting Circles”, a powerful group experience of reconnection to Oneself.
Nowadays, he continues the same path with his wife Susana (playing harmonium) holding Events and Retreats, in their vision of Connection to the Heart as a way towards living a more harmonious life.
What is a chanting circle?
Combining Mantras with Heartsongs and Kirtan is what makes a chanting circle unique.
Watch this video to find out more.
Chanting circle facilitator course
4-10 August 2024 | Dörnberg, Germany
Deepen your ability to facilitate, hold space and lead Kirtan and Mantra Chanting circles with Kevin James and Susana
Active Aum
& Toning
A deep journey into the Aum and toning through the chakras to connect to our inner world and emotional body
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